2023年7月11日 星期二



原來的英文書名是 「The Magician’s Way: What It Really Takes to Find Your Treasure」

陰影 (shadow),我們必須要接受自己的陰影,才能拿掉它的力量,使自己不為陰影所控制。
最後,我們無法解決問題。我們要做的是改變自身的結構 (structure,書中譯為架構),使得結果不同。



The First Secret: Your thoughts and feelings aren't real
Your thoughts and feelings are expressions of your underlying assumptions in any moment, not reflections of actual reality or what is truly possible.

The Second Secret: Your focus creates your reality
Your experience in life is determined by what you put your attention on. If you focus on end results you inevitably attract what you want. If you focus too much on what you have to do to get what you want, you end up attracting your fears, doubts and beliefs.

The Third Secret: Everyone has a heart
Having a heart means that you do have dreams, that there are things you love, things that are deeply important to you. An inherent part of the human journey is that at some point you end up putting more energy into protecting your heart than following it.

The Fourth Secret: There is never anything to do, but always action to take
'Action' is about taking direct steps, based on the obvious, towards creating what you want. 'Doing' is about fulfilling certain conditions you believe are necessary before you can get what you want.

The Fifth Secret: Structure has integrity
Something's structure dictates its behaviour, and its behaviour dictates its experience. In creative terms, what your attention is focussed on forms the underlying structure in your consciousness. The motivations behind what you do in life reveal your true focus.

The Sixth Secret: You get your energy from a higher source
As a human being, you have the tendency to develop fixed concepts about what is in your highest good and where it is supposed to come from. The key to magic is developing the ability to let go of your fixed concepts and open up to the true source of your energy.

The Seventh Secret: It takes will
Ultimately, your highest source of energy is your own heart. Yet, the paradox is that you are conditioned to protect your heart, a behaviour motivated by fear. Your fears are communicated to you by thoughts and feelings. There can be no sustainable change in your experience of life unless you have the will to choose going for your heart over resolving your thoughts and feelings.


