2023年7月11日 星期二



投稿的 paper 被 reviewer 嫌英文太差,要求經 native English speaker 修訂。透過前輩介紹,給台灣有名的 Ted 教授修訂。一個 word 要台幣 2 元,一篇 paper 有 9 千多字,花了 1萬8。國科會最多可以報 1 個字 1 元左右,不夠的要自己墊。好在有上,剛好過畢業門檻,算是值得。


  • Avoid First person “We” unless explicitly stating your opinion such as ‘we conclude’ ‘we can infer’ ‘we posit’ ‘we speculate’ ‘we recommend’ ‘we postulate’ ‘we hypothesize’.
  • Avoid negative voice in technical writing as much as possible. 例如 ‘not inconvenient’ -> ‘inconvenient’ 或 ‘infeasible’。
  • Consistent verb tense is important.  Unnecessarily switching back and forth in verb tense – especially in the same paragraph – will confuse the reader. 華人最困擾的部分之一 – 時式。
  • Don’t always use Chinese-English structure of  “A is used to solve B.”  Instead write more directly in emphasizing the contribution rather than the method itself by stating “B is analyzed using A.” 華人感到困擾的部分之一 – “用 A 來解決 B” ,沒有生命的東西怎麼會有動詞呢?。
  • Avoid redundancy.  Why do you have to repeat ‘implement’ twice in the same sentence. 例如 As a resultConsequentlya most intuitive implementation of the AC-algorithm is to implements the AC-DFA in a lookup table. 唉,你以為我喜歡啊,就只會那一招半式而已啊 ... 不過,這句也改得怪怪的,後來指導教授有修訂。這兒就做個參考吧。
  • a higher throughput THAN WHAT? ‘higher’ implies a comparison with something. Just write ‘high’ if not implying a comparison. 啊,我們就習慣說得到比較好的結果啊,那考慮那麼多 ...
  • However, Yet another difference between the software and hardware approaches also differ in is that the former generally has a larger dictionary size can be larger in a software approach generally. 簡潔有力,就是要這樣改。不過,還要再練,才有辦法。
  • Especially when implementing a multi-character transition matching architecture, the required space will (NOTE: Avoid future verb tense in technical writing as much as possible) grows exponentially with respect to the number of characters (to be inspected OR under inspection) in parallel.


