先到Altera 的網站下載 Quartus 7.2,含sp3有六個檔,如下72_ip_linux.tar、 72sp3_modelsim_ae_unix.tar、72_modelsim_ae_unix.tar、72sp3_quartus_linux.tar 、
其中72_quartus_linux.tar是必需的,可以只下載這個檔來裝。安裝方式和 6.1 版差不多,所以在此不多說了。
至於 libsys_cpt.so,請將位址 0xc617b 的內容(55 89 E5)改為 "31 C0 C3" 即可。
若是開啟 Licence設定 或 Options 選單會造成程式當掉。可以參考此網址
下載 libX11.so.6.2 將檔案儲存至Quartus安裝目錄的 linux 目錄下,例如 /opt/altera7.2/quartus7.2/linux。然後到 linux 目錄下,
執行 ln -s libX11.so.6.2 libX11.so.6
若要移除舊的安裝,只要將安裝程式的目錄整個刪除即可,例如 quartus6.1 裝在 /opt/altera6.1 之下,則只要執行 rm -rf /opt/altera6.1 即可。
另外,注意一下,/etc/hosts 要設對,在 altera 的說明中有這麼一段:
On a system with a static IP address, ensure that the /etc/hosts file has an entry for the host name of the machine on which you are running. For example, if the workstation is named “orange,” there should be an entry in /etc/hosts with the IP address of the “orange” workstation as shown below:
In addition, the network configuration (hostname, DHCP host name, DNS search path, and domain names) must be correct or the Quartus II software will abort on startup.
我因為裝無線網卡時,修改了相關的設定,執行 quartus 會出現 "已經終止" (或是 "Abort") 的訊息,重新安裝了好幾次,還是不能執行,後來修改了/etc/hosts 後,才正常執行。
Finally, thanks to sonic_hedgehog_tails very much, the information provided by him is very helpful for me to install Quartus 7.2.
I deleted the messages from sonic_hedgehog_tails mindlessly, I can not reply the message on the Message Board, so I only can say thanks to sonic_hedgehog_tails in here.