2023年6月17日 星期六

Klicky probe 設定

由於這不是 Voron 或 Klipper 的官方作法,因此未包含在官方文件裡,每次都找不到。

說明的網址 Klipper plugin for self-calibrating z-offset,設定和原理解說的章節 How To Configure It




Switch Offset

The "z_calibration:switch_offset" is the aforementioned offset from the switch body (which is the probed position) to the actual trigger point above it. A starting point for this value can be taken from the datasheet of the Omron switch (D2F-5: 0.5mm and SSG-5H: 0.7mm). It's safe to start with a little less depending on the squishiness you prefer for the first layer (for me, it's about 0.46 for the D2F-5). So, with a smaller offset value, the nozzle is further away from the bed! This value cannot be negative.

For example, the datasheet of the D2F-5:


And the calculation of the offset base:

offset base = OP (Operation Position) - switch body height
     0.5 mm = 5.5 mm - 5 mm

How About A Negative Switch Offset?

First of all, there cannot be a negative switch_offset! If the switch_offset is already really small after tuning it and the nozzle is still too close to the bed, then something is wrong with the measurement of the probe body. The following picture illustrates this:


Therefore, please check your endstop, the rod of the endstop and the position of the switch body touching the endstop!

exclamation Please, do NOT drive the endstop pin on the switch actuator directly! Otherwise, you do it at your own risk and I will reject any request for support!

If you do so, a correct or at least a working measured height at the switch is all due to the various forces in the system. But forces can change for many reasons. The best case is that the actuator is pushed all the way in until the pin touches the body of the switch - before the endstop is triggered! But it could be anything in between... So, there is no reason not to touch the body directly in a safe and robust way +1


透過 Klippy probe 與噴嘴和 endstop 的相對位置,可以自動算出噴嘴的位置,完全不用手動調平。

再來要使用 TESTZ 指令來校準 switch_offset,參考 Klipper - Bed leveling。依據 Omron D2F-5 的規格計算或測量得到的 switch_offset,並不太準,間隙可能過大或過小。使用 TESTZ 指令調到噴頭和平台的距離約等於一張紙的厚度。


G90   # 絕對座標
G1 X125 Y125
G1 Z1

MANUAL_PROBE    => Starting manual Z probe. Use TESTZ to adjust position.
TESTZ Z=0       =>  Z position: ?????? --> -2.280 <-- ??????

## - 降低,+ 升高 
TESTZ Z=+.2   ---> 調到紙稍微卡

換加熱棒後,瓦數不同的話,要重新校正一下 PID 參數
# 先移到適當位置


