2024年5月12日 星期日

Making a Chromecast receiver

買一個 ChromeCast,很便宜,但使用起來讓人超不爽的。在 3代之後,廣告超多,這也就算了,遙控器按一按就好。讓人抓狂的是手機連不上,按了連接後,電視沒反應。更扯的是,電視一直播廣告,手機的影片時間也在跑,它把廣告當成我要看的影片唬弄我。

不只是我討厭,很多人都不爽吧,因此有人想要自己搞 ChromeCast,只是 Google 不一定准,會卡掉。

Making a Chromecast receiver,不太知道這個的用法,它是根據 "an Android app called AirReceiverLite which can act as a Chromecast receiver"。

從Linux安裝Chromecast,用 Linux 連 ChromeCast。

interfect/castanet.sh,問題是要怎麼找到 reset 後的 CHROMECAST_IP?


Cannot SET UP Chromecast on Linux

How to set up a Chromecast without logging in to Google Home?

在 Linux 上使用的方式,Linux 使用 VLC 投放媒體至 Chromecast

1. 可能的作法

A simple solution (2019-Mar-15) I used successfully is to:

  1. Download an older portable version of Chrome (not sure about direct links posting rules here, a search for "portable chrome 71 stable" should get you there
  2. Extract and run this portable version
  3. Navigate to chrome://cast
  4. Setup should work

2. 需要專業技巧的作法 

Chromecast gen 3

I followed this post: https://superuser.com/a/1692253

tldr:wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/interfect/5f68381d55658d334e2bc4619d796476/raw/1d16ead908a92742d5f22231a2611242d673654f/castanet.sh

chmod +x castanet.sh

CHROMECAST_IP= WIFI_SSID="foobar" WIFI_PASSWORD="hackme" ./castanet.sh

make sure you have jq and nodejs installed or the script doesn't work.

NOTE: to get the initial chromecast IP you have to connect to it's wifi hotspot (ChromeCastXXXX) and then use wireshark on your laptop/desktop's wifi interface to see it. Filter for arp requests. There will only be 2 IPs; your wifi interface and the Chromecast. Use the IP for the Chromecast in the spot above.

參考 瞭解詳情:找不到裝置,相關敘述 "連上與 Chromecast、內建 Chromecast 的電視/揚聲器、Google Home 或具備助理裝置的電視/揚聲器相同的 Wi-Fi 網路。尋找與 GoogleHomeXXXX 或 ChromecastXXXX 類似的名稱。"


