2022年11月15日 星期二

CoreXY 3D 印表機改機

 為了印 80%鍵盤的外殼,不要拆分列印,把 300x300 的列印範圍改成 400x250。改這個尺寸是因為淘寶只找得到這個尺寸。

控制程式改用 Klipper,為此多買了 MKS pi 當控制器,也多買了一個 MKS Gen-L 2.0,再把步進馬達控制器改成 TMC 2109,可以使用 UART 控制。

雙Z軸,可以使用 Bed Screws Helper、Bed Screws Tilt adjust Helper、Z Tilt 來協助調整列印平台的螺絲以及兩邊Z軸的高度。參考  Klipper -- Configuration reference 及 Klipper -- G-Code commands

參考 TMC drivers,For best positional accuracy consider using spreadCycle mode and disable interpolation (set interpolate: False in the TMC driver config). When configured this way, one may increase the microstep setting to reduce audible noise during stepper movement. Typically, a microstep setting of 64 or 128 will have similar audible noise as interpolation, and do so without introducing a systemic positional error.

stealthChop 力矩較小較不精確,但較安靜。It is recommended to always use "spreadCycle" mode (by not specifying stealthchop_threshold) or to always use "stealthChop" mode (by setting stealthchop_threshold to 999999). Unfortunately, the drivers often produce poor and confusing results if the mode changes while the motor is at a non-zero velocity.

購買清單及報價 (RMB) 如下

  1. Z軸的鋁板 x2 和轴承 x4,共58元
  2. X軸線軌,558mm*1,滑塊 *1,共72元
  3. 2020 鋁材,長 575mm*5,共50元
  4. 1020 鋁材,長 575mm*4,共30元
  5. 皮帶 10米,3元/米
  6. 运费,15元


