2016年1月13日 星期三

在 Gentoo 使用 Teamviewer

# emerge -av =net-misc/teamviewer-11.0.53191

 * Messages for package net-misc/teamviewer-11.0.53191:

 * TeamViewer from upstream uses an overly-complicated set of bash
 * scripts to start the program.  This has been simplified for Gentoo
 * use.  Any issues should be reported via bugzilla.
 * Due to bug #552016, when using system wine, one is not able to
 * share one's own screen.  At this time, this may be remedied by
 * toggling the system-wine USE flag.
 * The end-user client requires running the accompanying daemon,
 * available via init-scripts.
>>> Auto-cleaning packages...

它在 Linux 下,透過 Wine 來使用。安裝時,USE 為 system-wine 時,使用系統安裝的 wine。

啟動 service
# systemctl start teamviewerd11.service


